Saturday, April 10, 2010


AUTHOR: Roderic Jeffries
Pages: 187
Date: 10/04/2010
Grade: 3
Details: no. 33 Inspector Alvarez

I did not enjoy this book. 
I'm not sure if the author was trying to be funny or going out of his way to offend Mallorquin people, but if I lived on Mallorca, I would be insulted.
The story starts in England where a man named Tyler hits two pedestrians while driving. Aware that he has had too much to drink, Tyler flees the scene. However, speed camera's catch him and he is soon identified and traced to Mallorca, where Inspector Alvarez is put on the case and asked to investigate Tyler as well as his car. Before the investigation is properly off the ground though, Tyler has been murdered and Alvarez finds himself with a different sort of case on his hands.
Alvarez was pictured as a lazy man who dislikes his work and has few interests besides food, drink and sleeping.
I suppose the author means for Alvarez to come across as endearing and funny, but I found him only frustrating.
I won't be going back to read the other books in this series.

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