Saturday, January 16, 2010


The first hour of the third Mystery Read-a-Thon is behind me, and I've settled nicely into my reading. It's going to be a bit of a disjointed reading weekend for me though, since we have visitors coming tonight from about 8, and since they were wonderful to us during our week without water I do owe them some of my time and attention. But, not to worry, since we've got two days to read for 12 hours, there should be more than enough time left.
First the details of my first hour:
I've started reading 206 BONES by Kathy Reichs and got to page 49 when the hour was up. As soon as I finish the post, I'll be diving straight back in.
Now for the questions:

1) Give us five fun-facts about you. (Things that are so trivial you wouldn't think of them right away, but that might make others smile.)
Hmm, this question is harder than it seems:
* I used to be a swimming teacher
* I own an adorable but not very clever dog names Sparky who is currently playing outside with another dog about 10 sizes smaller than she is.
* While I have about 200 unread books sitting on my shelves, I can't stop myself from bringing books home from the library where I work.
* I recently had the opportunity to discover exactly how much water we use even if we can't have showers, do laundry or flush the toilet. It amazed me.
* I'm happy to report I'm clean again...

2) What is on your TBR stack for the next two days?
I've just started my first book and have two other books lined up, although I doubt I'll get to both of them. They are:
* INNOCENT BLOOD by Graham Masterton.

3) Do you have any specific hopes and plans for this read-a-thon?
None, except to enjoy the almost uninterupted reading.

4) Did you participate in the Mystery Read-A-Thon in the past?
This is my third one.

5) If you already participated, can you give the new participants any tips on what to do and what not to do?
My only tip would be to enjoy yourself. There are no goals to be reached other than to read 12 hours. It doesn't matter how many books or pages you manage to read.
Maybe another tip would be to try and not spend too much time on the computer. Keeping an eye on the blog posts can really eat into your reading time. I've decided to check in about once an hour when I can and leave it at that.

And that is my update for this hour. I should be back at around 3, local (Irish) time. Actually, it will be a bit later before I'm  back with my next mail. It's now an hour after I started this blog post, and the computer is just too slow for me to go back to it often. I could spend all my reading time trying to post, and still not get anywhere. I'll try again later and see if the situation has improved.


gautami tripathy said...

I know I am gonna enjoy it!

Mystery Readathon: Intro post

Unknown said...

Ohh, 206 Bones! I can't wait to get my hands on that!