Saturday, December 26, 2009


Pages: 249
Date: 26/12/2009
Grade: 5
Details: Non Fiction

What is it about Mitch Albom and dying men?
Why is it that they turn to him, or he to them, in their final days, months, years?
Whatever the reason, Albom is getting a lot out of these meetings and talks as far as insight, wisdom and hope is concerned, despite the ultimate heartbreak at the end. And I, as a reader of his books, am grateful that on both occasions (in "Tuesdays with Morrie" and in this book) he decided to share his experiences. I can't read his books without a notebook and pen close by to write down passages I want to remember.
This book starts with the Rabbi from Mitch's old hometown asking him to write his eulogy. The Rabbi is 82 at the time of the request and a man Mitch has always been in awe of. Reluctant to grant the request and unsure why he was asked in the first place, Mitch insists that he has to get to know the man better first.
And so begin eight years of talks about life, death, and faith. Years during which  Mitch doesn't only get to know the Rabbi better, but also starts to question the disconnect between him and the faith of his childhood.
During this time, Mitch also meets Henry Covington, former criminal, drug addict and jailbird and now Pastor of a dilapidated Church in Detroit where he tries to look after the poor and homeless.
The two religious men couldn't be more different, but between them they teach the author a powerful lesson; Just what can be achieved with a little faith.
I found lots of food for thought in this highly inspirational book.

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