Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Pages: 488
Date: 13/06/2012
Grade: 5

Twelve years ago, when Abigail Lowery was 16 and still called Elizabeth Fitch, one act of rebellion lead to her witnessing the Russian mafia executing one of their own as well as her eighteen year old friend. When a few months in federal protection while waiting for the case to go to court ended violently with the agents protecting her being murdered, the now seventeen year old girl went on the run and stayed under the radar.
Now, after twelve year of running and plotting Abigail thinks she may have found a place she wants to make her home. The secluded and heavily secured house in a quiet rural town in Arkansas is where she wants to stay. Alone, with her guard dog Bert she hopes to make herself a stable life, even if it means keeping other people away from her.
Local chief of police Brooks Gleason is fascinated by the beautiful and very private Abigail and determined to get closer to her. The fact that she always carries a weapon and has enough security around her house to protect a secret government project intrigues him, as does the fact that she is very determined to keep him out of her life.
As Brooks continues to carefully chip away at Abigail’s defences she starts to realise that maybe she doesn’t want to spend the rest of her life alone and on the run. But in order to stop running and hiding she will have to trust Brooks and resurrect Elizabeth one last time in order to put the past to rest, destroy the Russians and get justice for those who were killed all those years ago. A decision that could bring her freedom and happiness as easily as it could end up killing her.

What can I possibly say about a Nora Roberts book that I haven’t said in the past? I’ve read and reviewed countless books by this author and almost without exception they have brought me satisfying reads and great pleasure. This book is no different.
I love the way Roberts is able to mix tension with romance. I adore her characters, they way they interact, bounce of each other and come alive on the page. Without fail she makes me wish I knew the characters she writes about personally, I want to be friends with them; have them in my life and invite them for a barbeque.
Nobody does conversation like Roberts. It sparkles, sounds natural, there is teasing, honesty and genuine affection. It is the sort of conversations you would love to participate in yourself. Most importantly it is fun and makes you smile.
In this book it is the interaction between Abigail with her literal mind and lack of social experience and Brooks, who is lose and secure in his community and social interactions that makes for a wonderful contrast and lots of smile inducing exchanges as well as one or two eye-watering moments.
No, the story isn’t entirely believable, but it is exciting, fun and very satisfying for the reader who wants to escape into a world where the seemingly impossible happens and love conquers all.
This is escapism at its best.


Judith said...

I've read a few Nora Robert, which I've enjoyed (Three Sisters series for instance). Also I read one or two J. D. Robb books (JD?).

I always consider them a little too "light" for my liking but when I read them I do enjoy them. Escapism is the word!

Marleen said...

That's it, Judith. They are light reads, they won't enlighten the reader but they are fun, easy to read and very comfy.
For me they are also the perfect books to get me out of a reading slump whenever I find myself in one.
And Roberts/Robb must be very good at what she's doing because even the fact that she seems to repeat characters as well as events doesn't put me off.